O-O-O-O-OKLAHOMA where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain
and the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet when the wind comes right behind the rain...
Seriously? When you say Oklahoma, that's what I think of.
Not just because I'm a music and theatre lover, but because I was in a production of Oklahoma my senior year in High School. I still have the crazy amazing skirt my Mom made me for my role. I totally had the best one :-)
I even remember some of the script from that show. The songs are easy to remember; they have meter and rhyme. The spoken lines are different, especially when I didn't have any :-) But I do remember some of them...in one part of the play, Laurie says to someone "you're silly." Only in this case, what she said was, "you air a silly!" Combine that line with a good ole NC accent and it's quite funny!
Here are some great songs from Oklahoma that make me smile.
As a secondary thought, I do think about the State of Oklahoma. I visited family there when I was in kindergarten. My family drove there from NC for a week long visit to my Mom's sister and her family. We packed up in our tiny little Honda Accord hatch-back and drove our happy selves across the country (well most of the way across, anyway).
While we were there, my brother and I contracted the Chicken Pox from my cousins.
On the way home, we were miserable. My Mom lowered the back seat and my brother and I slept lying down in our sleeping bags across the entire back of the car (no carseats or seatbelts for us - GASP!). Not sure where we put our suitcases...
But seriously, in light of recent events, my heart goes out to the residents of Oklahoma.
I don't personally know anyone there, but I cannot imagine how it feels to lose everything you own and possibly loved ones too.
My prayers are with them, not only for strength during this trying time, but also for a sense of peace and comfort as they try to rebuild.
What do you think of when someone says Oklahoma?

Choose a prompt, post it on your blog, and come back to add your name to the link list below. Be sure to sign up with the actual post URL and not just your basic blog URL (click on the title of your post for that URL). For good comment karma try to comment on the three blogs above your name!!
The Prompts:
1.) 15 Reasons You’re Awesome. (inspired by LouLou’s Views)
2.) Give us a tour of a room in your house you love. (inspired by Neon Fresh)
3.) But it’s got a great beat! Tell us about a song you loved growing up even though the lyrics were ridiculous.
4.) Oklahoma. (inspired by South Main Muse)
5.) Your week in Instagram photos! (inspired by Live, Laugh, Read)
2.) Give us a tour of a room in your house you love. (inspired by Neon Fresh)
3.) But it’s got a great beat! Tell us about a song you loved growing up even though the lyrics were ridiculous.
4.) Oklahoma. (inspired by South Main Muse)
5.) Your week in Instagram photos! (inspired by Live, Laugh, Read)